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Divorce Coaching

All time slots are in Eastern Standard Time.

1 hOnline

Service Description

Getting divorced is a transformative life change. Feeling grief over the relationship is common and mourning over it is normal. Even if a person is the one who chooses to end the relationship, they often have a feeling of tremendous guilt, shame, and loss. Some people are blind-sided by the decision to divorce and feel frozen in fear or are consumed with anger. Learning how to navigate this new reality can be confusing and scary. The entire dynamic of the relationship with the ex-spouse or spouse changes and it can be very bewildering to figure out how to handle it. Very often clients seek out my services when they are feeling very overwhelmed, anxious, angry, or distraught. Others are just looking for a different way to understand their path. I offer tremendous support with an objective and very clear outlook. I teach clients to manage their emotions and figure out how to get through this difficult process in the most emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy way possible.

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